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PO Box 781
Alleghany Springs, VA 24162
USA is the best source for the highest quality, humane and sustainable farm goods. Our farmer's meats and produce are served in the best restaurants across the east coast including New York, Washington, DC, and Atlanta.

Beef - Top Round/London Broil - $9.20 lb


Beef - Top Round/London Broil - $9.20 lb

Beef - Top Round.jpg
Beef - Top Round.jpg
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Beef - Top Round/London Broil - $9.20 lb


Top Round/ London Broil- the leanest cut, grilled or broiled and sliced thin, this is also a wonderful choice for carpaccio. 

Ancient White Park cattle: this rare and distinct heritage breed is singular in flavor and tenderness. All grass fed and finished.   

2 Pound Cut

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